Friday, July 30, 2010

If I reach out and touch her, will Keith appear?

Last week, I was on the beach doing yoga (I know, I love Michigan in the summer). The teacher stretched me well beyond what I do myself while watching a video. She showed me new poses while kicking my butt into shape and I felt great afterward. She was just what I was looking for and she does class on the beach at 8pm! Wow. The sun goes down, the sky is clear, the waves keep your breathing in rhythm. It's absolutely awesome. After class, I was asking her how she got started. She spent a lot of time teaching herself how to teach yoga (to the locals) while in the Peace Corps and then came back to the states and got certified. Her Peace Corps service was served in Macedonia and she's my age so I asked if she knows my friend Keith Thompson and his wife. Yes, why yes she does. Of course she knows the same guy....the same guy I also met across the world while living in a hut in the rain forest of Belize. Crazy. As my sister said, I was meant to meet each of them. Crazy that I did.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I won

The other day, Jilliann and I were shopping for a gift at Moynihan's while Miles napped in the Ergo. She loves to go shopping with me and wanted to wear a skirt that day and woke up that morning at 8am asking to paint her nails. So, she went out on the deck on that wonderfully warm day and painted her toenails all by herself while I made breakfast. My girly girl must have brought me good luck. A shop employee approached us with a deck of cards spread out in her hands. She asked us to choose one and said if we got a Jack or Joker we would win a prize. I pulled out a Jack of Hearts and we won a beautiful card painted and signed by the owner of the store. I love winning......partly because I feel I can will my winning to occur since I wish and hope it occurs so very hard.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thurs. morning bliss....I mean Spanish

I miss Thursday mornings. Jilliann had Spanish class for one hour each Thursday during Miles' nap time. A couple times, I tried to race back home to put him down only to wake him early for pick up. Then, I realized I could take this time to myself. Yes, prisoner to the car with Miles sleeping soundly behind me, but it was winter time. The windows were up for a quiet, peaceful ride for sleeping. I would drop Jilliann off and Miles was asleep soon after. After picking up some coffee and a vegan, wheat free cookie (love you Lemonjellos) I went to watch the birds. The Seagulls would sit on the ice getting pummeled by arctic blasts and still stand on one foot. They'd dance in the face of frigid wind and inches of solid ice under their exposed feet. These are the same birds who eat our chips on the beach in August. I'm not sure why they stay. They are a hearty bird and I would write in my journal and soak up alone time (relatively speaking). The ice is gone, but I'd sure like to still watch the birds. Time to just be. Time to hear silence.
But, right now I hear crying coming from upstairs and I will relish this time when I can still go fetch a baby and comfort him....and when I can still have Jilliann with me all day long and not at school with a teacher half the day. I will miss my kids then.