Monday, October 27, 2008

Thank you said by a two year old

When Jilliann says, "thank you" the words just melt my heart. She says it for the littlest things, things like putting on her shoes while she balances on my shoulder. Or after I wipe her bum, or get her cleaned up and set down from her booster seat at meal time. She is so sincere and the words come out so tender and as if she's really contemplated the situation. If I don't respond right away, she'll repeat her "thank you" until I've replied. Maybe it's because I know the social expectations that expect a "thank you" aren't yet embedded in her thinking....or are they? Maybe it's because I love doing these little things for her and it's my pleasure and I don't really need a thank you. Maybe it's because it makes her seem a little vulnerable, as she realizes she couldn't do these things herself and so I realize I'm her main caretaker and I like that. I like her.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mood determined by the weather

So often my mood goes hand in hand with the weather. This weekend has been an 80 degree sunny mid-October treat...going to the beach, going for walks, getting ice cream....hanging on to Fall and the close memories of summer as long as we can. I'm consistently thankful and grateful for so much and live a very happy and blessed life. But, when the sun is out and I'm doing laundry on the line as late as Oct. 14th, I'm especially bursting with joy and feeling light and breezy right along with the day. (Ignoring Rachel's comment: thanks to global warming ;)). As I write this, I sympathize for my husband and others working hard inside, all through the seasons. I'm conscious of how fortunate Jilliann and I are to be able to do all these fun things in Holland and wish Jason could be with us every step of the way (he may say every step is going a little far...hee hee). I even planted a mum today, deciding the cost of it was certainly worth enjoying it if only for this week. It's orange and centered to hit you right as you walk out our front door.