Friday, December 19, 2014

Pumpkin Muffins (wheat free)

I joined Groundswell Farm's Winter CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) this year. I get to pick up veggies once a week, still, in Nov. and Dec.! Still being able to eat the fresh greens from their green house is amazing but I was less sure I could get through all the squash. Well, turns out it's our favorite thing about the Winter CSA. Though we don't enjoy it whole or savory much, we make it into baked goods for breakfast. Pumpkin is 30 calories per cup, so you can have a hearty muffin or pancake each morning without concern. On a gluten free diet, I often use ground Flax Seed to keep things held together since rice flour often crumbles after baked. However, it's a great thing to add in general because of it's Omega 3's. Enjoy!

*Note: I bake squash whole (punctured with fork) on a baking sheet, 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes and then it's easy to scoop out seeds, peel off skin and throw in processor with some water to puree to use or freeze in 15 oz baggies.