Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My excessive and unrealistic birthday list

March 8, 2009 Adriann turns 31 years old and this is her wish list:
* Professional massage.....hours and hours of it
* Steady economy
* Cast iron cookware
* Tantrum free toddler
* Bread maker
* Complication free birth
* Birds without squirrels in my yard by my window
* For my house to sell without loosing my shirt
* Barack in office (check)
* Peace
* Perfect husband (check)
* Fuel efficient cars as the only option
* A cat that no one can be allergic to
* A cool styley diaper bag
* Bugaboo stroller at no cost
* The ability to eat sweets with no negative consequences
* Time to read, swim, make a baby book
* Unlimited access to flying without charge (Guthrie + parents and Dad, here I would come!)
* New shoes
* For the Wire and Six Feet Under to never end
* Jobs for the seeking, rest for the weary, health for the sick
* God's love to prevail
* A horse
* That money didn't rule the world
* Stay at home mom (check- and so grateful for what I've got)