Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fun....Not fun.

Hanging laundry outside for the first time this season on a lovely Spring time day: Fun.
Doing 5 loads of laundry because your daughter keeps puking: Not fun.

Kissing all over your newborn babe: Fun.
Worried about your newborn catching a virus in your house: Not fun.

Cuddling with your sweet and loving toddler: Fun.
Being climbed on and clung to by a toddler while trying to nurse a baby: Interesting.

Having a lazy day at home all day: Fun.
Forcibly being quarantined: Not fun.

Visiting with beloved friends and family: Fun.
Informing your beloved friends and family you may have infected them with a puking virus: Not fun.

Breastfeeding a baby (when it's all figured out): Fun.
Breast milk creating the specific antibodies needed to protect your baby against the particular virus they are exposed to: Genius.

Being able to laugh about getting toilet bowl water splashed (by vomit) into your eyeball as you hold back your favorite girl's hair over the porcelain bowl: Good stuff.
Still enjoying your day of sickness with your kid: Feels good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm liking this blog business. Thanks for inviting me. Andy's has the comments inbedded with the text page. Makes it easy to respond to the entry. (Just a comment).
I had a college friend who got sick at his own party after two drinks from the punch bowl. As we were all gathered around him in the bathroom with his head in the toilet, he turned and said, "Will someone flush again? The breeze feels so good!" True story.
Enjoy your day. Enjoy your children (and Jason).
Love to you.