Monday, July 21, 2008

Jilliann is two

This was the cupcake table at her birthday party in the park (she's very interested in the pretzels with M&Ms). Lots of friends came and it was a blast. She got some wonderful gifts and played in the grass, dancing to the ice cream truck songs. The big slide did not intimidate her and the merry-go-round was a hit with all the kids.
You can tell she's two! She no longer wants to hold my hand while going down the steps and she goes up the steps sometimes just as we adults do, with the one step at a time. She likes to play by herself sometimes and lets us know by waving and saying, "Bye, Mama. Bye, Papa." In gymnastics, she's learning some of the difficult tasks and listening to the teacher better. And, yes, she also throws those "terrible twos" tantrums! She's official. :)

1 comment:

Kara Melissa said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Jilliann. She sounds so lovely. I miss you guys.