Thursday, June 19, 2008

Humbling day

On Tuesday, I had a very humbling day and I'm trying to hang on to the good parts about that. I like reminders that I'm not in charge and that mistakes and because of all of us (at some point). It would be nice to be in the place where reminders are not needed, that everyday life is lived with ever present humility. I'm not there yet. Here, I was giving out advice after a mistake had been made and turns out it was my mistake and me who needed my own advice- pay attention. I'm not there yet. I was planning and scheduling an event which didn't happen. Well, it's not up to me. I'm not there yet. I will get there, though, as I continue on my journey of prayer and reading enlightening books like Ekhart Tolle's New Earth. And, in the meantime, I'll keep having humbling days.

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